In this article, I am going to share with you the 10 best SingleFile alternatives in 2024 that you can use. Before we get to our list, let us take a quick look at SingleFile review. We will also review the features, price, benefits, pros, and cons of SingleFile. If you like our list of SingleFile and similar software alternatives in 2024, then please rate us below.
SingleFile is an extension that helps you archive an entire page in a single HTML or HTM-File with Google Chrome and Chromium.
In version 0.0.76 it is not possible to save only a selection without advertising text on the edges of a site, as you can with an MHT. But the author Gildas promised to implement this in one of the next versions.
The saved files are compatible with Firefox, Opera, Safari, Konqueror and partially with Internet Explorer 8, if you uncheck the option “delete unused CSS rules”.
Singlefile helps you save an entire web page in a single HTML file.
ScrapBook is a Firefox extension, which helps you save web pages and manage the collection. The keys are the lightness, the speed, the precision and the compatibility with several languages….
ScrapBook X is a Firefox add-on based on ScrapBook Plus and which also integrates several of the latest versions of ScrapBook. Saving web pages …
UnMHT adds MHT file read / write support to Firefox. MHT (MHTML, RFC2557) is the web page file format for storing HTML and images, CSS in a single file. UnMHT …
A browser extension that captures web pages to a local device or backend server for future retrieval, organization, annotation, and editing.
PageArchiver (formerly called “Scrapbook for SingleFile”) is a Chrome extension that helps you archive web pages for offline reading. Principal …
Save an entire web page (or just its current state) as a single enhanced HTML file that can be displayed in any browser.
Screengrab !, successor to Screenshot , save entire web pages as images. Just right-click on the page you want to grab and search the …
The software of SingleFile gives you easy and efficient management, and SingleFile allows you to concentrate on the most important things. And it’s easy to use; you may love it.
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