In this article, I am going to share with you the 10 best AskBot alternatives in 2024 that you can use.
Askbot is a question and answer system, like StackOverflow, Yahoo Answers, and a few others. Askbot is based on code from CNPROG, originally created by Mike Chen and Sailing Cai, and on some code written for OSQA.
Askbot is open source and can be self-hosted for free; Hosting plans are paid.
Open source question and answer forum written in Python and Django
Official website Facebook Twitter GitHub
Take a look at the following alternative list to this software; feel free to ask any query regards this if you have any doubts related to these alternatives.
Stack Overflow is the largest and most trusted online community for developers to learn, share. “Your programming” knowledge, and build your careers.
Stack Exchange is a fast growing network of 84 [and counting] question and answer sites on various topics, from software programming to cooking, photography and games….
Questions and answers site helps an online community share knowledge. No matter what your area of interest is, people with questions can get super-fast answers. Question2Answer is a …
Scoold is inspired by StackOverflow and implements most of its. You can ask and answer questions, vote for and against posts, earn badges and reputation. Each…
Answers is the place to go to ask questions and receive answers from the general community on any topic. Connect with people who know the answers to your questions …
OSQA is the free, open source question and answer system you’ve been waiting for. Your OSQA site It is more than an FAQ page, it is a comprehensive community of questions and answers. Users …
Interaction platform for programming enthusiasts, students and experts to solve problems. Quick and inexpensive solutions to your programming problems. People without …
A tool for community-driven questions and answers. Includes voting, marking as resolved, and many more.
Coordino allows you to create a question and answer system for you and your users to enjoy. Whether you are looking to create a niche question and answer site for…
Help each other out, with the mainstays from StackOverflow, Discourse, Slack, Reddit, and Disqus.
The software of AskBot gives you easy and efficient management, and AskBot allows you to concentrate on the most important things. And it’s easy to use; you may love it.
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